May 2, 2019
Share2019 Annual Broward County Bar Association Installation Gala
Kelley Kronenberg is excited to be a sponsor of the 2019 Annual Broward County Bar Association (BCBA) Installation Gala. The event will take place on Saturday, June 22, at the Ritz Carlton Fort Lauderdale, FL. The Broward County Bar Association and Young Lawyers’ Section 2019 – 2020 Officers and Directors will be inducted at this year’s Casino Royale Gala.
The firm is proud to announce that Partner Louis Reinstein and Attorney Marc A. Marra have been elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the Broward County Bar Association (BCBA). Additionally, Attorneys Kyle Roberts and Paul May have been appointed to serve on the Board of Directors for the BCBA’s Young Lawyers’ Section, which contributes to the educational and professional advancement of attorneys under the age of 36.
Congratulations to you all!