February 18, 2015

Howard Wander Addresses Members of the CPCU at NCCI Headquarters about the Impact of Medical Cannabis on Employers and the Insured

On Wednesday evening February 18, 2015,  Kelley Kronenberg Chief Operating Officer Howard Wander, along with West Palm Beach Partner Michael Minardi and Seth Hyman, addressed members of the CPCU (Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters) Florida Gold Coast Chapter at the headquarters of NCCI (National Council on Compensation Insurance) in Boca Raton, FL.

The evening focused on the current impact and future challenges facing employers and insurance carriers as medical marijuana in various forms is legalized in the sunshine state and throughout the United States. Kelley Kronenberg’s Regulated Substance Practice group has been working closely with clients over the past 18 months preparing them for the potential reshaping of workers compensation and employment law standards.


Howard Wander - CPCU - NCCI - Orig