March 7, 2023
ShareWomen’s History Month Employee Spotlight: Marisel Viotes
- Name: Marisel Viotes
- Title: Ambassador
- Years at KK: 1.5
- Obstacles you’ve overcome as a woman in a male-dominated profession: I’m sure there have been times when I’ve come across obstacles, but perhaps my young and ignorance didn’t let me see it, but I’ve learned with age to treat and “expect” superiors to treat me with the same respect they would expect from me.
- What does Women’s History Month mean to you?: This month is an opportunity to learn about our great leaders, activists, and pioneers who have worked hard to ensure women are recognized and that future generations will learn (with accuracy) the contributions women throughout the world have made.
- Favorite Quote or Mantra: If you don’t see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself.
- Name a woman that inspires you and why: Raquel Day. Three master’s in psychology and working on her doctorate. Daughter of a single mother that had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. I would love to take credit for this amazing woman, but I can’t. She did it all by herself. She had many stumbles but always managed to pick herself up and dust herself off. Her resilience has always amazed me and I can’t help, but to feel immense pride for this young woman. She put herself through school (FIU) graduating with two master’s while working a full-time job as a waitress serving tables after school and on weekends. She went on to receive a third master’s and now is in the process of obtaining her doctorate. She’s a Dean for the second-largest high school in Osceola County and continues to grow and shine. She sees no limits and makes sure to let her students know that there are no limits to what you can accomplish. So for the woman, she has made herself into I am proud to call her my Daughter.